Broker Participation

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Brokers/Agents with Buyers

Halfhill Auction Group welcomes and invites the participation of Brokers/Agents in most auctions that we conduct. Brokers/ Agents can register their buyer clients and earn a commission.

Brokers/Agents must complete the “Referring Agent/ Buyer Registration Form” and obtain their clients signatures. The completed form must be submitted to the Auctioneer at least 24 hours prior to the auction. TIME IS OF THE ESSENCE!

Broker/Agent forms can be found on the detail page for the property you want to register for. Click on the PDF link and you can print out the form. You may return the completed form by email to or by fax 859.277.5513

Halfhill Auction Group reserves the right to accept or decline any Broker Participation Request.

NOTE: Buyers must still register with the auction clerk the day of auction to obtain a bidders number even if their broker/agent has submitted an accepted Referring Agent/Buyer Registration Form.

Brokers/Agents with Sellers

Brokers/Agents may also earn commissions by referring sellers to Halfhill Auction Group. We team with cooperating brokers to get properties sold quickly and efficiently. Contact the Halfhill Auction Group to get details and see if we can help your client.
